The public should know how our personal data is obtained and be aware of the 7 Personal Data Protection Principles recommended by APDP 2010 (Act 709) namely :-

7 Personal Data Protection Principles that must be followed under section 5(1) in Act 709 in order to maintain the integrity of personal data:-

  • First
    General Principles where a user is not allowed to process another person’s personal data without their consent. The term process here should be understood as handling data through automated or computerized means or methods or any other process.


  • Second
    Must comply with the Notice and Choice Principles where prior information and purposes are communicated to the data subject concerned.


  • Third
    The principle of disclosure of the purpose of a subject’s personal data in order to identify the purpose for which the personal data is to be disclosed.


  • Forth
    Security Principle – when processing any subject’s personal data, take steps to ensure that the data is secure, not modified, misused or given to unauthorized parties.


  • Fifth
    Storage Principle: personal data is not allowed to be stored in a processing for more than the necessary time limit.


  • Sixth
    Data Integrity Principle – each personal data is ensured to be accurate, complete, not confusing and up-to-date in accordance with the purpose for which the data is stored and processed.


  • Seventh
    Access Principle: a person should be given the right to access his personal data held by a data user and also be able to correct his data so that it is up-to-date

Therefore, Malaysians in particular need to be aware of their rights according to the principles contained in Act i.