Security Policy

Data Protection and Storage Security

Data Protection and Storage Security

All electronic storage and transmission of personal data will be protected and stored using appropriate security technology.

The latest technology including data encryption is used to protect the data submitted and adherence to strict security standards is applied to prevent unauthorized access.

Privacy Policy

Your Privacy

This page describes the privacy policy that covers the use and protection of information submitted by visitors. If you make a transaction or send an email that contains personal information, this information may be shared with other public agencies to help provide more effective and efficient services. For example, such as in resolving complaints that require feedback from other agencies.

Information Collected

No personal information will be collected while you browse this website except for information submitted by you via email.

What Happens if I Link to Other Websites?

This website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to this website. It should be noted that linked websites may have different privacy policies and visitors are advised to review and understand the privacy policies of each website visited.

Policy Amendments

If this privacy policy is amended, the amendment will be updated on this page. By frequently visiting this page, you will be updated with the information collected, how it is used and in certain circumstances, how the information is shared with other parties.

Privacy Policy

Your Privacy

This page describes the privacy policy that covers the use and protection of information submitted by visitors. If you make a transaction or send an email that contains personal information, this information may be shared with other public agencies to help provide more effective and efficient services. For example, such as in resolving complaints that require feedback from other agencies.

Information Collected

No personal information will be collected while you browse this website except for information submitted by you via email.

What Happens if I Link to Other Websites?

This website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to this website. It should be noted that linked websites may have different privacy policies and visitors are advised to review and understand the privacy policies of each website visited.

Policy Amendments

If this privacy policy is amended, the amendment will be updated on this page. By frequently visiting this page, you will be updated with the information collected, how it is used and in certain circumstances, how the information is shared with other parties.