Personal Data System Inspection Visit Under Section 101, Act 709 above KY Maju Development Sdn. Bhd, Penang

The Enforcement Team of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commissioner (PDP) has conducted a Personal Data System Inspection Visit under Section 101, Personal Data Protection Act 2010 [Act 709] on the Data User, namely KY Maju Development Sdn. Bhd. on August 23, 2024.

This inspection visit session started with a personal data system inspection briefing based on the 7 Personal Data Protection Principles conducted on KY Maju Development Sdn. Bhd. and Mrs. Iris Ang Lay Chin, Manager of Administration, Accounts and Sales Division of KY Maju Development Sdn. Bhd. has provided information to the Enforcement Team of the PDP Commissioner’s Office regarding the top management organization chart, operations, collection procedures, processing and storage of customer personal data.

Next, an inspection was carried out on the entire personal data system of KY Maju Development Sdn. Bhd. along with an explanation of the procedures for collecting and storing personal data physically and electronically. During this visit, the PDP Commissioner’s Office Enforcement Team also gave suggestions for improvement to KY Maju Development Sdn. Bhd. to further increase compliance with Act 709.