Dasar Privasi

This page describes the privacy policy that covers the use and protection of information submitted by visitors. If you wish to register and make a transaction or send an email containing personal information, this information may be shared with other public agencies to help provide more effective and efficient services. For example, such as in resolving complaints that require feedback from other agencies.

Cookies generated by the web server will only be used to collect information to identify your next visit. These cookies will not record data permanently and are not stored on your computer’s hard drive. It will be deleted as soon as you leave this website.

Log Information
When you visit this website, our web server will automatically record the information sent by your internet browser when visiting a website. This server log will record information such as your web request, internet protocol address, web browser type and language, date and time of your request and cookies that can identify your internet browser.

Data Protection
The latest technology including data encryption is used to protect the data submitted and adherence to strict security standards is applied to prevent unauthorized access.

Storage Security
All electronic storage and transmission of personal data will be protected and stored using appropriate security technology.

Information Collected
No personal information will be collected while you browse this website except the information submitted by you via e-mail or registration in e-NTM and the feedback form which is a protected part of this site.

Inquiries or Complaints
If you have any questions or complaints about the privacy policy or this website, you can contact us through the feedback section provided on this website.